Time Fades Away on viny
Time Fades Away
Saturday, 13 September 2014 13:45 Hrs
❝ When I moved out of home, I didn't take all my viny.

Sister turns up the other day and hands some old records including this one.

"Long out of print on vinyl, still unavailable on CD in the early 21st century and widely bootlegged similar to the original "Missing 6", the album is considered to be the "Holy Grail" of all Neil Young albums." [0]

I don't know about the holy grail bit. I remember picking it up about 6 years after it was released and didn't play it much. Now it's one of those records you can't get.

The artwork is missing, [1] the vinyl is a bit scratched. but it's still playable. All these years later I wonder what made me spend my hard earned "supermarket money on this?

I still have all these records from that job & listen too them often. Money well spent.


[0] http://www.thrasherswheat.org/tnfy/timefadesaway_album.htm

[1] http://www.thrasherswheat.org/tnfy/time-fades-away-art.htm


My neek verification.

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