The last bbq
The Last Bbq
Tuesday, 20 March 2007 11:15 Hrs
❝ Next week is the last bbq I'll be doing.

Next week is the last bbq I'll be doing.[0]

After three years, 22 meets per year, I've sourced, moved, cooked (along with others) approximately 660Kg snags (sausages), 3,300 hamburgers, 3960 buns, 10,560 slices of bread, 132 Kg bacon, 42 tins of beetroot, 132 Kg of onions, 3,200 slices of cheese, 44 lettuces, 66 Kg of tomatoes, 70 litres of tomato sauce and approximately 2000 eggs. It's getting a bit rough. I've only missed 2 meets in 66.

Thats a pretty good record. That plus 3 seasons straight. The desire to do it has worn thin :(

I'll write up at a later point the motivation(s) for doing this.


[0] BBQ, Flickr blog, The Australian Lesson, George Oates, 'I don't know if you've ever seen Australians in the wild before, but next time you do, just remember these 4 simple rules:'




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